Chaos to Connected - Helping Parents Navigate Challenging Behavior with Connection; motherhood, toddler tantrum, behavior, conscious parenting, gentle parenting, pediatric occupational therapy

Are you tired of struggling to figure out what to do about your child’s behavior? Do you feel exhausted and frustrated trying to manage your own triggers while at the same time trying to calm your child down and feel like nothing is working? Do you feel guilty after losing your cool 15 minutes into a tantrum and wonder if you’re doing this whole motherhood thing right? Are you wishing there was something that would just work consistently to get your child to listen? Hi, I’m Kaili, pediatric occupational therapist and momma to 2 energetic boys and I’m so grateful you are here! I remember what it felt like to struggle with my son’s aggressive behavior. I felt alone. I felt like no one else I knew was going through the same things or could understand what I was going through. And I had no idea what to do. I tried everything I could think of but nothing really seemed to work or that stuck anyway. Feeling completely overwhelmed and exhausted, like I was at the end of my rope, I found Hand in Hand parenting and I completely fell in love with the approach. It was everything I had ever dreamed motherhood would be about; training my child in a way that actually felt good and didn’t require rewards and punishments to obey and respect my authority. Plus, it focused on what the child’s behavior actually meant! Resolving things at a root cause level. What could be better than that?? Needless to say, I was hooked and after implementing the different connection focused strategies I saw more transformation than I ever thought possible. But not just in my son’s behavior, in my ability to remain calm through it all and my confidence in the approach I had chosen. No more comparison or worry of judgment. I knew this was the right path. I wanted to make sure other moms out there who were struggling just like I was, had access to this information so I completed a professionals intensive training in Hand in Hand parenting and started sharing it. Inside this podcast you will find tips, strategies, and perspective shifts to manage your child’s behavior as well as your triggers, and a constant shove outside the mainstream recommendations to utilize manipulation to change your child’s behavior. We are going to dive deep into how to implement CONNECTION, a vital necessity that the world wants to make us believe our children don’t actually need. This is the game-changing, missing link and I’m going to give you tangible steps on how to incorporate it into your daily routines and in those extra challenging moments so your home doesn’t feel like a stressful and chaotic place but rather one where feelings are welcomed, behavior is understood as communication, and joy abounds. So get comfy, I know you need a minute to take a rest after all you’ve been doing today, and join me as we jump into managing behaviors through connection! XO Kaili The Motherhood CONNECTION monthly membership: Connect with me: Instagram: Facebook:

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Friday Oct 06, 2023

When your child's behavior feels like a lot or you are feeling really chaotic and possibly even triggered, I think the natural inclination is to exert your authority in ways you might not normally because you are in need of more control.
When you want to gain more control over your child's meltdowns that often comes in the form of more talking. But, that's usually not going to get you I right?!
When your child is dysregulated - whether because they have done something you would deem disobedient, wrong, etc OR because they are just really struggling with big feelings it is a natural response to try and help them by spouting out a solution, ways to problem solve, or even trying to distract them and move on to something else.
Well, when a child is already overwhelmed, that is actually just adding to it. He/she can't take in the information you are sharing, even if it's calm, because the "thinking" brain is inaccessible. What they need in those moments is more listening and less talking.
Tune in today as I share 2 times when I think this is incredibly important and how you can be on the lookout for how you tend to respond and strategies to adjust if needed.
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Friday Sep 29, 2023

When I was struggling with my child's intense behavior, I was looking for all of the ways to "fix" it. As I was searching, I came to find that a lot of my patterning and conditioning impacted SO much of my parenting and how I came to my child's behavior.
So many moms have told me they struggle more with managing their own triggers than dealing with the behavior. If this sounds like you, join me as I chat with Michelle from the Calm Mom podcast today!
Michelle is a certified trauma- informed master life coach, attorney, professor, wife and mom. With everything she had going on in her life, she realized she was on a fast track to burnout and knew she needed to adjust. Now she uses her knowledge to help other moms in the trenches learn how to regulate their nervous systems, set boundaries, see their worthiness, understand true self care, and equips them with tools, tips, and strategies to create a life designed by faith over fear.
Tune in to hear all of the amazing tips and strategies she shares to regulate your nervous system first so you can come to any and all of your roles with more intention.
Connect more with her here:
Checkout her podcast here:
Want more info on my customized 1:1 coaching? Check out this page for all of the details:
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Friday Sep 22, 2023

Laura is a wife and mama to 10 amazing people. She is the founder of Mama Systems, a coaching business that helps mamas bring peace to their homes through systems so they can be intentional with their people and show up as the best mama possible. 
Ways to Connect with Laura:
Want more info on my customized 1:1 coaching? Check out this page for all of the details:
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Friday Sep 15, 2023

The morning of the day I recorded this episode was just one of those you know what I'm talking about? When every time you turn your back your kids are fighting or a meltdown starts...
Well let's just say I didn't handle it as well as I usually do. I was majorly triggered. And despite knowing I was doing things, like yelling, that I hate doing and didn't want to do, I just couldn't help myself.
Despite practicing connection strategies DAILY for years, this still happens to me occasionally. And it's NORMAL. We are humans for goodness sake.
But, although it is normal because emotions can get the best of us and patterning can overcome us and triggers can take the driver's seat, it doesn't mean we sit back and do nothing.
When this occurs, it is vital that you take steps to repair the connection with your child so you aren't repeating generational patterning and so you can re-establish connection which will produce better results in keeping challenging or intense behaviors at bay.
Tune in as I share 5 steps in the repairing connection process!
Want more info on my customized 1:1 coaching? Check out this page for all of the details:
Connect with me here: or if you'd prefer email at

Friday Sep 08, 2023

Has your child ever had a public, in the middle of the aisle tantrum?
Did you feel judged? Embarrassed? Unsure of what to do? 
Today I share 3 ways to respond when this happens; the responses are based on where you're at on this connection focused parent journey as well as where you're at on the being triggered spectrum.
Want more info on my customized 1:1 coaching? Check out this page for all of the details:
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Friday Sep 01, 2023

Is your child back in school or daycare? Or heading back to school or daycare soon? Maybe you are starting a year of homeschool?
With a big transition like this, children often have an uptick in behavior. 
Today, I dive into 4 tips that will help make this transition as smooth as possible and with less behavior challenges.
Even if you aren't heading into a school year because your littles aren't school age yet, there are still some great tips that are applicable to other situations you will inevitably encounter.
Episode on Separation Anxiety:
Episode on Stay Listening:
Episode on Special Time:
Want more info on my customized 1:1 coaching? Check out this page for all of the details:
Connect with me here: or if you'd prefer email at

Friday Aug 25, 2023

Have you been struggling to get your child potty trained?
Is your child able to go sometimes but not others, refusing to go at certain places, holding in BMs? 
Or maybe your child is potty trained but struggles with picky eating or other controlling types of behavior...
Then this episode is for you. Join me as I share why I don't recommend using treats and bribes during potty training and the #1 shift you can make to improve the ease at which it happens!
Want more info on my customized 1:1 coaching? Check out this page for all of the details:
Connect with me here: or if you'd prefer email at

Friday Aug 18, 2023

If you haven't listened to last week's episode, take some time (before or after this) and do so; I discussed communicating about problem solving with kids and tips on how to increase independence with problem solving even from a young age.
Today, I dive into praise. 
When I first came across this style of connection focused parenting, I heard a lot of recommendations not to, at all. While I do believe in praising my children and do, I think there were definitely some good points from what I heard and it shifted how I carried out giving it.
Tune in as I share a couple insights about how we tend to praise our children and how you can shift it to make it more meaningful and special for your little one.
3 Words/Phrases to Remove from your Vocab:
Want more info on your own customized Behavior Blueprint? Check out this page for all of the details:
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Friday Aug 11, 2023

I've been reading a lot about communication and how to increase its effectiveness with our kids.
In reading more, I recognized that some of the ways I was saying things, while I meant it to be helpful, could be perceived as lacking confidence in my child.
Tune in today as I share more about how you can make slight shifts in how you phrase things to instill more empowerment, confidence, and independence in your child for problem solving, both with more challenging tasks and with siblings/other kids.
Book a free, no commitment needed, call with me here to find out which program option might be best for you and your family + what it would actually look like:
Want more info on your own customized Behavior Blueprint? Check out this page for all of the details:
Connect with me here: or if you'd prefer email at

Friday Aug 04, 2023

***REMINDER*** If listening in real time, you have until 8/14 to start the 30 day Behavior Blueprint before I close spots until sometime in late October (after baby is born)
Some days of parenting are just challenging.
Not because your child is behaving in a certain way or having more meltdowns but just because you feel off. Maybe you can't pin point it, maybe you can.
But either way, it's a funk that is difficult to get out of.
If you're feeling this way, check out today's episode for some perspective + encouragement. And share with a friend who needs it too!
Want more info on your own customized Behavior Blueprint? Check out this page for all of the details:
Connect with me here: or if you'd prefer email at


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